Don't miss this amazing opportunity to unleash everything your business or organization has to offer! If you are a local business in the tourism and hospitality
business such as; retail, lodging, restaurant, event planning, arts, and
entertainment, then like most others in your shoes, you’d like your business to
succeed to its fullest potential and bring in more customers.
The Connect for Success Tourism Conference will help you do
just that! This one day regional conference on May 16th will offer information on creating partnerships,
marketing, social media, using local resources, green initiatives, business
strategies, one-on-one consultations from regional professionals and much more. At the end of the day you will be walking
away feeling energized and having new knowledge of the skills and connections
you need to help you reach new levels.
The day starts
out with a wonderful wake up breakfast, followed by the conference kick off and
keynote speaker Sally Laukitis, Executive Director of Holland Michigan
Convention & Visitors Bureau sharing the Holland Michigan
story! Be sure to save lots of energy this morning because you’re going to be
so excited to get moving and connecting with one another.

Following each of your break out sessions, be sure to take
advantage of the numerous one-on-one consultations available to you. This is
your chance to connect with local professionals and receive priceless advice
and ideas to help you succeed further than you ever thought possible! Then cool
down and relax at the end with a conference wrap up, but pay attention because
there may just be a surprise you’re not expecting!

Does all of this sound exciting and informative? Would you
like to attend? Be sure to check out the conference website and register for a cost of $25. This registration fee includes all sessions,
the one-on-one consultations and breakfast/lunch.
Mark your calendars
May 16, 2013
Registration opens 7:30am
Conference Kick-Off 8:30am
Event wraps at 3:30pm.
Cost: $25 conference, $25 pre-conference
Located at the Holiday Inn
Conference Center ,
6000 National Rd E , Richmond Indiana .