A Fairy Exciting Event will be taking place on Saturday,
October 12, 2013.
County will be filled
with fairies of all ages! You will witness little girls and boys frolicking
throughout the County in fairy attire as they make their way to various locations
in search of the enchanted fairy doors, homes and gardens hidden within.

The Wayne County Convention and Tourism Bureau invites you to put
on your best fairy costume and enjoy an enchanted day full of excitement and
fun as we celebrate the launch of our Enchanted Fairy Trail! Kids of all ages
can stop by the
5701 National Road East, where they can
pick up an Enchanted Fairy Trail bag, create a fairy halo, participate in the
fairy costume contest and enjoy delicious fairy themed snacks. From there, families
will receive an Enchanted Fairy map designating over 14
stops with hidden
fairy doors, gardens, and homes. Each location will have various fairy themed
activities for children to participate in including; coloring contests, face painting, fairy dust tattoos, fairy themed crafts, snacks, games, fairy necklaces and much
The Enchanted Fairy Trail has been a big hit since its launch last month. Currently featuring 50 small enchanted dwellings, the Enchanted Fairy Trail provides a glimpse into the mystical world of fairies. Peeking through some windows you may spot a fairy bed, kitchen, or a fairy itself. Built with a colorful array of materials, the fairy doors throughout Wayne County gives families and children of all ages an exciting chance to explore the community in a unique fashion. Children can leave small gifts or write letters at some locations that have fairy mail boxes, allowing direct interaction with the fairies and bringing a smile to every child’s face.
Where: Celebration begins at The Old National Road Welcome Center, 5701 National Road East, Richmond.
When: Saturday, October 12, 2013
Time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Call: 765-935-8687